Week 9: Space + Art
Comparisons of planets in our solar system This week’s topic of space has been one of my favorite topics thus far. Space has always fascinated me because we know of its existence, but we can’t just visit it and experience it for ourselves. Less than one percent of the human population can say that they have visited space, yet we know quite a lot about it. The most fascinating part is that while it seems like we have a lot of information on space and its content, we probably only know half of what is truly out there. Because of space exploration and advancements in technology, we are better able to understand what is beyond our atmosphere and in our galaxy. Photograph taken by Voyager 1 of Earth The powers of ten video emphasized the scale of our galaxy and how microscopic humans really are. The picture that inspired Carl Sagan’s Pale Blue Dot also puts into perspective how small we are and how massive space is. The photograph was taken from Voyager 1 on February 1...